Beauty - pg.1Ink | Beauty - pg.2,3Ink | Dragons & Unicorns - pg.1Ink, digital colors | Dragons & Unicorns - pg.2Ink, digital colors | Sun WukongInk, digital colors | Lady_OscarPencil, Ink, watercolors | A Tritone PosessionPencil, watercolors, tempera colors, gold leaf |
humpty_dumpty_sat_on_a_wallPencil, watercolors, ink | BowlingPencil, watercolors, tempera colors, | Sottovento a ore 6Pencil, tempera colors, ink | Sottovento a ore 6Pencil, tempera colors, collage,vinyl glue | Red Skull - Hail HydraDigital | BatmanDigital | The Fall - BanditDigital |
The Cosmic Egg - CoverInk - digital colors | The Cosmic Egg - pg.2Ink, digital colors | CoeurInk, water colors, digital red | Discord ApplePencil, ink, digital painting | AchillePencil, ink, digital painting | Little jaguarPencil, digital painting | Rock 'n roll ZebraPencil, digital painting |